Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Video blog review week 11

Dance at the Moulin de la Galete

1. I chose this video because it had an interesting name and i wanted to learn more about it.
2. This video discussed Renoir's life  and talks about his idealism with his real life of poverty and radicalism that shows how he created this piece because of the description of his life and how it led into his work.
3. This video helped more that the text because it actually talked about Renoir's life and the things he went through.
4. I liked watching this film. i found it pretty cool to learn about someones elses life more in depth instead of reading it from a textbook.

Matisse and Picasso

1. I chose this video because I personally like Picasso's work because he has been influential in the art society and wanted to learn more about him, and I also did not know a lot about Matisse and i wanted to learn more about him.
2. This video talks about the relationship that was shared between Matisse and Picasso and also their works of art they created. The video emphasizes both the artists collection and the lives of both artists which is important to learn.
3. This video gave me a better outlook on the times and examples of both Picasso and Matisse's work because it showed their actually perspectives instead of a textbook telling me about it.
4. I liked this video because I was able to see artwork from both artists that i never learned in the past growing up.

The Impact of Cubism

1. I chose this video because Cubism has always been an interesting topic for me because it seems mysterious and there is still so much more to learn about it.
2. This video discusses Cubism and how it influenced Europe. It discusses the nonclassical ways to show space and form because cubism is different than other styles of art.
3. This video was better than the text because it showed me hat Cubism actually is and how it changed art within Europe. Cubism also is still changing today i think.
4. I like this video because it showed me a new type of artwork that i barley understood and i wanted to learn more about and I enjoyed this because i found it very interesting to learn.

Dada and Surrealism

1. I chose this video because the Dada movement and Surrealism seemed to be too vague for me in the text so i wanted to learn more about it.
2. This video discusses the Dada movement and how it translated into Surrealism and how it changed art by showing examples in Europe.
3. This video gave me a better understanding than the text on these movements because it showed actual examples of artwork.
4. I liked this video because i got a better understanding of what Surrealism actually is and i know more about it now.

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