Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Reflection of final art project

I started this project by going on random websites and searching for paintings on love because the databases in the course resources on helped me a little bit.  My research of the paintings was very tedious and this took a lot of time to complete. I found that after i chosen all the works of art that i did, i would be able to get this project on the road for completion. Once I had all of my paintings chosen, I started to work on my powerpoint.I tried a few different backgrounds, but i did not like the majority of them, so i kept it simple. I wanted a plain background with a neutral color so it would not draw attention away from from the artwork. I can't explain the order chosen for the paintings except my first and last one because i found them to be the most attention grabbing. I hope you like this final project result, it took a lot of time to complete.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Video blog review week 13 and 14

Video 1- The Lowdown on Lowbrow:West Coast Pop Art
1. This video talks about lowbrow artwork. This video talks about different parts of lowbrow and the times in history and it had a large influence on the art community.
2. The video did not really relate to my art exhibition project. Lowbrow is everywhere and seems to be unorganized. My art project will be a lot more organized i believe.
3. From this video, I learned something new; I learned what lowbrow is and what it influence, but i feel it did not help me for my project.

Video 2- Displaying Modern Art: The Tate Approach
1. This video discusses how museums used to be set up and how it started to change in the 1970s and so on. It talks about Tate's thematic approach to displaying art which i found to be cool.
2. This video did relate to my art exhibition because we have to set it up as if it were in a museum, but  I feel this gave me look because of the aspect of it.
3. This video showed me more about museums and also by thinking differently on how to set up my project.

Video 3- Bones of Contention: Native American Archeology
1. This video talks about the question to whether Native American remains that were found by us should be returned to their ancestors or not because they are relics to our culture.new laws like Grave Protection and Repatriation Act which i found to be very interesting to learn about.
2. This video did not really add to my project because it talked more about the Native Americans rather than an art exhibit.
3. This video really did not add to my understanding for my art project.

Video 4- George Eastman House: Picture Perfect
1. This video shows curators and archivists at Eastman's colonial revival mansion and how it is the oldest photography museum in the world which i actually found to be pretty awesome because i had no idea that this museum even existed.
2. The video related to my project in the fact that it shows inside the museum and how one looks all set up accordingly.
3. Other than seeing the inside of a museum, this video did not really add anything to my project.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Video blog review week 12

Hockney on Photography : I watched this video because I like photography and i think it is an alternative way to create art. The part I found most interesting to learn about in this video is how a  void between the photographer and the subject can be so significant.  I also enjoyed Hockney’s Polaroid collages because they looked really interesting.  I really liked this video because it let me  understand what was going on inside the artist’s head while he was creating the art   In fact, this video discussed the artist’s entire life, which was interesting to relate to his artwork.  I think this video most related to what we learned about photography earlier in the semester when learning about the history of art. This video can relate to the text a little bit because the text tells you about photography, but this video does a lot better job describing it for me.

Uncertainty: Modernity and Art: I watched this video because it seemed like I would be able to relate to the art in modernity.This video was really informative for me.  The video suggested that art can tell us about ourselves because it is always good to know about yourself. It started by discussing Greek statues, which mainly referenced divinity and “knowing thyself.” which i found really interesting because i didn't know this was thought of in Greek times The main point of this video is that uncertainty is the underlying message of modern art – everything is always changing.  I thought this video was going by fast because it kept my attention so much. This relates to the text somewhat once again because the text only tells me a little bit of modernity and i found it boring to read about, but when i was watching this video i found it so much more interesting.

Isamu Noguchi: The Sculpture of Spaces: I chose to watch this video because I am i wanted to learn more about spaces and the fact that sculptures were part of it made me want to watch it more.  I agree with his idea that the earth itself will someday be the subject of sculpture because it is so important to us.  I thought it was interesting that Noguchi started off by creating stage sets like a small world and i found that pretty cool.  My favorite work featured in the video was his water sculpture. This relates to the text because it gives me a better understanding of spaces and it was more interesting to visually learn.
Abstract Expressionism and Pop: Art of the 50s and 60s: I chose to watch this video because pop art has always stuck out to me and i wanted to learn about it in this time period.  I learned that pop art, such as Andy Warhol’s, was the first to embrace the rhythms and textures of city life. My favorite Andy Warhol artwork is the campbell soup one because i always liked the soup growing up and he has been such an influence in the pop art world.   The video also explains how “Girl with Hair Ribbon” by Lichtenstein describes surprise. This video barley relates to the text because i did not get to learn a lot about pop art in the 50s and 60s, but in this video i learned so much more about pop art than i did in my whole life.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Art Gallery Visit #2

The Exhibition:
1. The title of this exhibit was Art Craft in Media 2011.
2. The theme of this exhibit was craft models that can be made by hand i thought.

The Gallery:

1. The lighting that was used seemed to bright white light with little to no shadow that made the room look intriguing to me. The lighting was arranged evenly on the ceiling which distributed the bright white light evenly in the area of the exhibit. Although there was emphasis of the lighting coming out of a few works of art on the wall.
2. The walls in this art gallery were all white and there were no other colors to be seen.

3. The materials that were used in the interior architecture of space were a circular bench i saw in a different room. Also in the picture above it that strip in the middle is rising rust that is happening slowly and it looked like a carpet to me. I felt the need to touch it just to check.

4. The floor plan set up a pretty smooth movement, it flowed in one direction to lead you through the gallery. The viewers seemed to be moving at all times because of all the interesting works that were placed in this exhibit.

The Artwork :

1. In this art exhibit the artworks were organized in a pretty cool way. For example that rust strip that i thought was a carpet was the only piece of work that seemed to be different amongst the rest. All of the other artworks were organized in a odd but cool pattern.

2. These artworks were similar in ways because they all were crafts and they were created by hand and stood out for the meaning to be appreciated for what they are. They are also similar because they all were part of the same exhibit.

3. These artworks were different because they all were created by different types of materials and had certain values that were different from others.

4. The majority of these artworks were framed all in glass cases mainly so people could not touch them.

5. The artworks were identified and labeled on a white box next to the artwork with the name of the artwork and the artist in that white box.

6. The proximity of the artwork was spaced in different parts and was arranged in anyway that the creators wanted to do it. Some were a close walk and some were a far walk.

Art Criticism:

1. The first artwork that i selected was called Surrogate (monkey/topiary), 2011 by Bethany Krull. It seems that this artwork was created with porcelain and paper. I have never heard of porcelain, but it made this monkey hugging this tree have a lot more emphasis and it stood out to me more. This was the first art work that grabbed my attention because i always liked monkeys and the monkey looks so small compared to the tree so i was contemplating why this was occurring. This reminds me of a someone trying to take a nap under a tree and i really enjoyed this work of art a lot. Some art elements or principals i notice in this are shape, emphasis, and value.


2. This was the second artwork that i had chosen to write about from this art exhibit and it is called MC #10, 2010 by Jozef Bajus. I chose this artwork because when i first came across it in the museum i was confused to what it what until i read what it was made of and looked at it completely. This was made with mixed objects such as paper, tape, and a mirror found on the bottom. The mirror was the hard part to notice, but when i did i realized that it gave a cool reflection and it showed a patter of a diamond in the middle. This got my mind going for a few minuets and i enjoyed it a lot. This was very creative and i hope to see more of these in the future. Some art elements or principals i notice with this work of art is color, proportion, and balance.

3. This is my third work of art i selected from the exhibit and it is called Rooster, 2010 by Stephanie Brash. This work of art was created with wood fired ceramic. This rooster kind of looked like a trophy to me at first when i was walking by it, but when i approached it i started analyzing it more and realized it was more than just a normal rooster. The lighting that is surrounding this rooster gives it a nice shadow that i think looks like one of those baskets with a snake coming out of it. There is great detail to this and i enjoyed examining it for what it was and not just walking by it saying whatever. Some art elements or principals i notice with this work of art is texture, color, and value.

What did you think of visiting the Gallery and purposefully looking at the exhibition from a different perspective - the physical space, the architecture, theme, etc.?

 Going to visit an art gallery for me is usually boring and it is just an assignment. But this one was a different experience. I got to see actual works of art that meant something to people and they really put their time and effort into it. My perspective on going to art exhibits after this one has changed because i get to see more of what's actually out there now.

Video blog review week 11

Dance at the Moulin de la Galete

1. I chose this video because it had an interesting name and i wanted to learn more about it.
2. This video discussed Renoir's life  and talks about his idealism with his real life of poverty and radicalism that shows how he created this piece because of the description of his life and how it led into his work.
3. This video helped more that the text because it actually talked about Renoir's life and the things he went through.
4. I liked watching this film. i found it pretty cool to learn about someones elses life more in depth instead of reading it from a textbook.

Matisse and Picasso

1. I chose this video because I personally like Picasso's work because he has been influential in the art society and wanted to learn more about him, and I also did not know a lot about Matisse and i wanted to learn more about him.
2. This video talks about the relationship that was shared between Matisse and Picasso and also their works of art they created. The video emphasizes both the artists collection and the lives of both artists which is important to learn.
3. This video gave me a better outlook on the times and examples of both Picasso and Matisse's work because it showed their actually perspectives instead of a textbook telling me about it.
4. I liked this video because I was able to see artwork from both artists that i never learned in the past growing up.

The Impact of Cubism

1. I chose this video because Cubism has always been an interesting topic for me because it seems mysterious and there is still so much more to learn about it.
2. This video discusses Cubism and how it influenced Europe. It discusses the nonclassical ways to show space and form because cubism is different than other styles of art.
3. This video was better than the text because it showed me hat Cubism actually is and how it changed art within Europe. Cubism also is still changing today i think.
4. I like this video because it showed me a new type of artwork that i barley understood and i wanted to learn more about and I enjoyed this because i found it very interesting to learn.

Dada and Surrealism

1. I chose this video because the Dada movement and Surrealism seemed to be too vague for me in the text so i wanted to learn more about it.
2. This video discusses the Dada movement and how it translated into Surrealism and how it changed art by showing examples in Europe.
3. This video gave me a better understanding than the text on these movements because it showed actual examples of artwork.
4. I liked this video because i got a better understanding of what Surrealism actually is and i know more about it now.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Mask Project

This is a picture of a Aztec mask. The Aztec have always been very creative with the way they have made their masks since their time. They can represent happiness or fear. To me this one may have looked scary, but i like it because it's green and gives it a goofy type of look. This mask shows emphasis because it looks like the teeth are bulging out at you.

This is a mask from a holloween classic called Scream. This mask has been symbolic since the movie has first came out, this mask has been used in holloween every year and has meant something. Thank god the Aztecs showed us what a mask can do to people. I like this mask because it shows shape because the shape of this mask makes it different from your traditional mask.

This is a mask from mardi gras. These are traditionally found in New Orleans during Mardi Gras and it symbolic during the time of the year that it is happening. This mask shows shape and proportion because it is balanced and shows how even it is. I like this picture because i am a fan of mardi gras and the holiday means a lot to me and this a traditional mask for the holiday.

This is my sketch of my mask that i wanted to create. My plan was to add color and value as i finished the mask because i wanted to make it stand out and look different from a typical mask.

This is my final mask and i found it to be an enjoyable project. I think this because i was able to give my mask color and emphasis to make it stand out from a normal mask. I personally think that my mask may look like a baby lion but that is just me. I am glad that i got to do this project and was able to explore a different type of art.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Video blog review week 10

1) African Art: Legacy of Oppression
- I chose this video because the title seemed to have kind of a strong meaning to it and i wanted to see what it was all about.
- This video talks about Belgiums Tervuren Museum. It talked about and showed examples of African artwork from more than 250 different cultures. These cultures shape the art meaning in African culture.
- This video is related to the text because even though video just had more information that shows pieces of artwork from different cultures, some of the information was similar in the text.
- I liked this video because it gave me additional knowledge to help me get the whole picture on African art.

2) Buddhism
- I chose this video because I always see Buddhas in movies, but i never really know what their all about so that is how i wanted to learn more about this topic.
- This video talked about the beginning of Buddhism and its use of architecture and art. The concepts of architecture and art in Buddhism shapes their religion and makes them who they are.
- This video relates to the text because even though the video showed me some real examples of Buddhism arichtecture and went into detail explaining it, the text talks a little bit about their architecture and artworks in the text.
- I liked this video because it shows me good examples of Buddhism architecure which helped m picture it better because it was better to see their architecture in a video instead of a book with pictures.

3) Hinduism
- I chose this video because Hinduism is a religion that i am not an expert on and after reading about it i wanted to understand it more.
- This video talked about the practice of Hinduism through the use of architecture and art in India because architecture and art are improtant concepts in that area.
- This video related to the text because it somethings in the text and video were similar, but i thought that the video gave me more information.
- I liked This video game me a better idea of what Hinduism is all about and show me real life examples.

4) African Art
- I chose this video because it is about African Art and even after reading the book I still kind of understood it, but i wanted to learn more on what i read in the text.
- This video looked at different aspects of African Art like symbolism, aesthetics and the functionality. Religious beliefs were also mentioned in this video.
- This video related to the text because it talks about the same information in a different perspective, but the information in the video was more meaningful because i did not get bored watching it.
- I liked this video because it help me visually understand African Art. This cleared up African Topics and help me understand and see their beliefs.