Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Video blog review week 15

Jackson Pollock 
This video introduced concepts of art criticism by discussing Pollock, he was a master and yet also used to describe a low point in modern art.  The film included a detailed discussion of the work "Lavender Mist," a controversial abstract painting.  This video kind of related to my final art project, but i i got some feedback it seemed like. This video was really good and it added depth to art  criticism for me.

The Critics: The Story from the Inside Page 
This video took an interesting side on art criticism by comparing critics to reporters.  For example, music reporters might report on how the audience reacts to a concert, just as an art critic takes in the big picture beyond the artwork, including how the artwork affects the viewer.  This related to my art project because it shows how relevant art critics can be inside of an art museum. This video was the best one that watched out of all of them and this video added depth to my understanding of art criticism because in this video i learned the most about art critics.

Greenberg on Art Criticism 
In this video, Greenburg relates art criticism to music criticism, pointing out that music is easier to critique due to the way musicians show their own music.  Art is harder to be subjective about when it comes to criticism because you never know what art is going to bring you and who is going to criticize it. This video gave me a criticism perspective so i related to this to my project by someone criticizing my work. This video was good and it kept my attention the whole time watching it and it added just a little bit more depth of art criticism for me.

An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance
This video was different from any we have viewed because inside the video it showed me a "skit".  The main message of the film was that all art inspires more art.  This relates to my project because it is showing me on how to find inspiration and it was hard to find it for this project, but i accomplished my goal. This video was interesting because it had a skit in it which i found really interesting. It added so much more depth for me to art criticism for me.

The Colonial Encounter: Views of Non-Western Art and Culture

This video discusses the sexual exploitation of indigenous women and views of non-western art and culture throughout this video.  This video did not really relate to my project because i used about all western art which is the opposite of this video, but the video was still informative for me. This video was pretty cool to watch because i got to learn a little more about non-western art, and it seemed to be a brief subject throughout the semester. Also added depth to art criticism for me.

Greenberg on Pollock 
This video talks and discusses the artwork of Jackson Pollock. Pollock rejected the easel, yet used it throughout his career because it was a great tool even though he did not like it so much. The video also explained the times when artwork is not easy on the human eye.  This video related to my project because when choosing my artworks i found some that might be appealing to the human eye, but i stuck them in anyways.  This video was a good watch but this did not really add depth to understanding of art criticism.

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