Thursday, December 8, 2011

Art critique reflection Project 5

1. Which projects did you review?
 I reviewed Amanda Bolibrzuch art exhibit "Architectural Creations Throughout the World"

2. Why did you select the Exhibit you critiqued?
I selected this exhibit to critique because architecture is a topic that we did not really spend enough time on and the theme caught my eye immediately when i looked at the title of the exhibit. Amanda displayed a lot of different architectures that can be found world wide.

3. What challenges did you face in writing the critique article and how did you overcome them?
The challenges that i faced when critiquing this art exhibit was how to find the emotional meaning in interpreting the exhibit and using bracketing to find memories for example. I overcame this obstacle by clearing my mind and just looking back into my past for the memory and to find the emotional factor i just had to think about how other people would view these architectures.

4. How do you feel about critiquing your peers work?
I feel like it was a lesson to critique someones work because this was the first time i had ever critiqued and i found it enjoyable. It was a great learning experience.

5. Would you like to read the critique your peers wrote about your Art Curation Project?
I would most definitely like to read what others wrote about mine because i want to know how well they think i did and look at the suggestions they gave me to fix it up.

6. On a scale of 1-10 how would you rate your finished article and why?
I would rate my article about a 8.5 - 9 because even though it was my first critique i felt that by watching the videos helped me a lot. I found my self to grasp the critique concept quickly.

7. Did you enjoy working on this project?
I did enjoy working on this project because it was a personal test to see if i was able to create my own personal art exhibit. Also it was a test to see if i was able to critique well for the first time ever.

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