Saturday, October 15, 2011

Video blog review week 8

1. Explain why you selected each of the three videos you choose from the selection listed above AND
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned AND
3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?   

The three video's I watched were: Cairo Museum, A World Inscribed: The Illuminated Manuscript, and Cataclysm: The Black Death Visits Tuscany.

A World Inscribed- I chose this video because by looking at the name to me it meant it was going to tell me something interesting by watching it. I loved it and could not turn it off. The key concept was about the production of manuscripts and books, who created them, and how long they took. It was cool to learn that monks were the ones who created these and also about the amount of time and work that went into these but they came out amazing. I don't think i would ever have the time or patience to complete something like this.
This video related to our readings this week because it helped me understand art from the middle ages and i was a fan of the middle ages area in school, so that made me like it more.

Cairo Museum- I chose this video because I like museums and i wanted to watch a video that was museum related. The key concepts were about the museum and all of the ancient artifacts inside it. got to learn that this museum is so large that they only show sections of at a time. I also learned that they relocated mummies so they could be near this museum which was cool as well, this video also helps with the understanding of how they preserve artifacts because it  was interesting to know how people were able to know how to do that so long ago.
This video relates to our reading this week because it helps us understand the different types of materials that people used during that time era, and i found it to be really awesome.

Cataclysm: The Black Death Visits Tuscany- I chose this video because to me it basically told a story which  i found interesting and it kept my mind attached to it. The key concepts in this video were how the plague which was catastrophic and was transferred from an old place to a new place, how many works of art would be left never finished, how artist would now start becoming more interested in the "Divine World" and not so much the "Natural". This became one of the reasons for the start of the Renaissance.
This video relates to our readings this week because again it helps talk  about art during the renaissance period.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?

I enjoyed watching all of these video's  because they help me understand our readings much more especially if I don't understand something. I have to say my favorite was Cairo Museum because i got to understand more about the mummy era and and how they were preserved and relocated. I always found that kind of stuff to be very interesting to me.

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