Thursday, October 13, 2011

video blog review week 7

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Video 1- Prairie Style
From this video I had learned about Frank Lloyd Wright and his new design of prairie style homes.  Wright used an open floor plan for his home which was found to be rare in that time era. Also Wright designed the homes based off of the elements ex: the sun follows the house during the day and follows it while it sets.

Video 2- Architecture: The Science of Design
I learned how architects can create skyscrappers and test them against the wind speeds to make sure they can withstand them. I also learned how they use concrete and by the way concrete can reinforce itself because it is so mushy if it has not hardened yet.

Video 3- Classical Architecture
From this video I learned about the becoming of architecture throughout Greece and Rome, it all was started from some type of art form. The Greeks and Romans also used art elements and principals within their work.

Video 4- Frank Gehry: Architecture as Art
From this video I learned how Gehry evokes emotional responses from the viewers with his buildings. It was cool how Gehry talked about how buildings have evolved over time depending on how they have been used and taken care of. Frank Gehry attempts to form a connection between culture, the bulidings, and art history.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
All of these videos give us real life examples to help us understand what we have already read in the textbook. By watching the videos we can see what we read come to life in a way in multiple ways and also by seeing how architecture techniques and technology have changed over time.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?

The films help me better understand what I have read. While reading the text it was hard to picture some of the things without real moving example, but the way that the films showed this made me understand the concepts more. The videos give us a easier understanding of how architects think and create in an artistic way.

4. From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film?

I chose to watch Frank Gehry: Architecture as Art, because I am interested in the art and creativity behind architecture because art and creativity are the core concepts to understand to become a great artist. I like seeing how architecture itself creates buildings and having human responses attached with it.

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