Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hand drawing art project

1. What was it like using your hand as subject matter for a drawing?
At the start i thought this project was going to be fairly easy because my hands are right in front of me and i thought it would be really simple. I was mistaken because i am not the best of drawers, there is a reason why i am not an art major. Although when i completed it, the drawings of my hands looked pretty realistic.

2. What media did you select - pencil or charcoal? Why?
I selected pencil because it is just an easier tool to use and i have used it all of my life and it is easier for me to shade and make lines darker when using a pencil. I never have used charcoal and did not have access to it, so i decided to stick with my handy pencil.

3. How did it feel to create a drawing with your non-dominant hand?
I thought it was going to be easy, but i actually realized that my non-dominant hand is not as steady or accurate as my right hand. Doing that light shading was the hardest part i thought, i also thought the shading was difficult for me for my dominant hand as well. I actually can write with my left hand though.

4. Compare and contrast your final drawings. Do you think they are successful studies?
Both pictures were tough and not that good i thought. My dominant hand gave more detail to the outline of my hand, I could make the lines accurately, and i was able to shade better with my dominant hand.  However with my non-dominant hand I had rigid lines i think and  lines and my fingertips looked a lot more different than my dominant right hand. The main difference in the two is that in my non-dominant hand (left hand) the fingers look funky.

5. Would you consider using your non-dominant hand to create artwork in the future?
 No because my right hand is a lot more steady and a lot more accurate. Holding the pencil in my left hand was rough because sometimes i would fumble it around because i am not a custom to using my left hand.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Video blog review week 9

1. I chose Leonardo da Vinci because he is one of the most well known artists and the works of art that he created have impacted our society. I chose to watch The Drawings of Michelangelo because his works have always had meaning to the public and he had a great impact on history. I also chose to watch I chose to watch Velazquez growing up but i had no idea what it was so i thought it would be interesting to watch. The final video i watched was Albrecht Durer: Image of a Master because I really never heard of him before and I was intrigued to find out what he stood for and to see what kind of artwork he created.

2. -In the video Leonardo da Vinici, it really gave me a better look into his life and how he grew to be one of the most famous artists in our history. He really is considered a "Renaissance man".
-In The Drawings of Michelangelo, it was interesting to see how Michelangelo would sketch to get an idea of the space and shapes. He was able to show volume and mass in his drawings to express how he felt as he was drawing. Since he is also a sculptor in his drawings, he makes the men looked defined and big. This video did a good job showing Michenlangelo's tools and techniques that he used to create all of his great works of art.
-In Velazquez I found it to be really interesting. I didn't even realize that  He could really paint the emotions of the royals. He also painted Greek Mythology which i find really cool because i always liked greek mythology but it was rare for spanish artists to do greek mythology. He ended up one of the greatest painters from Spain.
-The final video Albrecht Durer: Image of a master, this video really showed us how Durer was a great artist and gave me a better idea of what art was like in Northern Renaissance. He had many influences in his life.

3. The videos relate to the text because they explained very well the lives of the artists they had during their times periods. We read about in the book for example middle ages with the gothic arts, early renaissance to the high renaissance. We were able to see the influences from the period and how the artists grew to be famous artist, but with the videos it gave us a better understanding of how these artists emerged.

4. These videos gave me a greater understanding to the concepts that i have  read about because I was able to see a different side of the artists instead of just researching their works, where they came from, how they grew up wiithin that time period and what was going on in the world because different types of art emerged at different points in history. It gives additional information in a more entertaining way that helps me actually see and picture everything better instead of just reading about it in a book and trying to picture it in my head

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Video blog review week 8

1. Explain why you selected each of the three videos you choose from the selection listed above AND
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned AND
3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?   

The three video's I watched were: Cairo Museum, A World Inscribed: The Illuminated Manuscript, and Cataclysm: The Black Death Visits Tuscany.

A World Inscribed- I chose this video because by looking at the name to me it meant it was going to tell me something interesting by watching it. I loved it and could not turn it off. The key concept was about the production of manuscripts and books, who created them, and how long they took. It was cool to learn that monks were the ones who created these and also about the amount of time and work that went into these but they came out amazing. I don't think i would ever have the time or patience to complete something like this.
This video related to our readings this week because it helped me understand art from the middle ages and i was a fan of the middle ages area in school, so that made me like it more.

Cairo Museum- I chose this video because I like museums and i wanted to watch a video that was museum related. The key concepts were about the museum and all of the ancient artifacts inside it. got to learn that this museum is so large that they only show sections of at a time. I also learned that they relocated mummies so they could be near this museum which was cool as well, this video also helps with the understanding of how they preserve artifacts because it  was interesting to know how people were able to know how to do that so long ago.
This video relates to our reading this week because it helps us understand the different types of materials that people used during that time era, and i found it to be really awesome.

Cataclysm: The Black Death Visits Tuscany- I chose this video because to me it basically told a story which  i found interesting and it kept my mind attached to it. The key concepts in this video were how the plague which was catastrophic and was transferred from an old place to a new place, how many works of art would be left never finished, how artist would now start becoming more interested in the "Divine World" and not so much the "Natural". This became one of the reasons for the start of the Renaissance.
This video relates to our readings this week because again it helps talk  about art during the renaissance period.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?

I enjoyed watching all of these video's  because they help me understand our readings much more especially if I don't understand something. I have to say my favorite was Cairo Museum because i got to understand more about the mummy era and and how they were preserved and relocated. I always found that kind of stuff to be very interesting to me.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

video blog review week 7

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Video 1- Prairie Style
From this video I had learned about Frank Lloyd Wright and his new design of prairie style homes.  Wright used an open floor plan for his home which was found to be rare in that time era. Also Wright designed the homes based off of the elements ex: the sun follows the house during the day and follows it while it sets.

Video 2- Architecture: The Science of Design
I learned how architects can create skyscrappers and test them against the wind speeds to make sure they can withstand them. I also learned how they use concrete and by the way concrete can reinforce itself because it is so mushy if it has not hardened yet.

Video 3- Classical Architecture
From this video I learned about the becoming of architecture throughout Greece and Rome, it all was started from some type of art form. The Greeks and Romans also used art elements and principals within their work.

Video 4- Frank Gehry: Architecture as Art
From this video I learned how Gehry evokes emotional responses from the viewers with his buildings. It was cool how Gehry talked about how buildings have evolved over time depending on how they have been used and taken care of. Frank Gehry attempts to form a connection between culture, the bulidings, and art history.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
All of these videos give us real life examples to help us understand what we have already read in the textbook. By watching the videos we can see what we read come to life in a way in multiple ways and also by seeing how architecture techniques and technology have changed over time.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?

The films help me better understand what I have read. While reading the text it was hard to picture some of the things without real moving example, but the way that the films showed this made me understand the concepts more. The videos give us a easier understanding of how architects think and create in an artistic way.

4. From the group of four that you had a choice: Why did you choose that film?

I chose to watch Frank Gehry: Architecture as Art, because I am interested in the art and creativity behind architecture because art and creativity are the core concepts to understand to become a great artist. I like seeing how architecture itself creates buildings and having human responses attached with it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Art Instillation Project

 Reflection questions:
A. Installation art is a modified space in which the viewer can enter and experience the artwork.
B. There are no set materials used in installation art. An artist can pretty much use any object.
C. Artists create installations because they want to evoke feelings and emotions in the viewer. The idea of an installation is to change the space in a room to create different feelings.
D. The installation I found most interesting is from the book, Jumbo Spoons and Big Cake by Thomas Hirchhorn. Its crazy and all over the place. As a viewer I wish i knew where to tackle this topic for this.

My Plan:
1) An installation piece that gives me the inspiration is Jumbo Spoons and Big Cake by Thomas Hirschhorn (like I used in Reflect: D). I like how it is just all jumbled and scattered it looks interesting to me.

2) The theme that grabbed my attention and that i was to do is Looking Outward: Here and Now.

3) The mterials i will be using is everything in my room to make it all look all scattered and give it the look that something needs to be done.

4) My instillation will take place in my room because it looks like that there needs to be something done with it and you cannot find a single thing in it.

4. Describe your installation.
My instillation takes place in my room actually. There is many cloths on the ground all garbage in one part of the room then there is te]he big tv and gaming chair. Everything is just a mess on the ground but my Tv is the nicest part of it all.

5. Analyze your installation.
An element that i had used was color because you can tell that in the pile of cloths there is distictions of what the colors are and even some of them stand out. My instillation places emphasis on the clothes in the room and the Tv.

6. What are your thoughts on the planning and creation of a site specific installation?
I wanted to create an installation with the theme Looking Outward:The Here and Now. I wanted it to feel busy for the person at home and for the viewer to be able to see what a mess can come out of someones room if they keep forgetting to do it. The viewer shouldn't really know where to start. I had no idea what to do at first but when i got going it became easier. 

Peer Blog Review

Blogs i reviewed for project 1:


Blogs i reviewed for project 2:


2. When looking at Project #1: (Elements and Principles), did you agree with the element or principle the artist listed with the images? Did you see other elements and principles in the images?

I agree with the images chosen to represent the elements and principles in both blogs. One example of a picture representing more than one element is in the second blog I chose by Lola Jenkins, there is a picture of multiple water bottles and she chosen the picture for just one of the elements but i say many, it is probably because every viewer has their own perspective.

3. When looking at Project #2: Where there any images in the Peer Blogs the same as your own? If yes, what were they? Where the reasons the image was selected the same or different as your own?

An image that katie and myself had in common was the Campbell soup picture by Any Warhol. We probably have chosen the same image because of the history of it by the name and the fact that it looks really awesome and has rhythm in it.

4. Where there any images that your Peers selected that pique your interest now? If yes, what are they and what is your connection with them? What would you want to know about them?

There was an image that the first student chose took my piqued my interest and it was Kat Rondinells' picture of that fruit. My connection with that picture is that the fruit just looks so tasty and it seems that the juices are glistening right off of it and it makes me want to eat it more. I would like to know how she got that picture to be so detailed.

5. What do you think about the process of reading your peers reflection? Do you find this to be a valuable in your learning?

I found doing the peer reviews to be valuable because it gives me insight to different perceptions and ideas on artwork. I also find it cool to see other peoples perspectives besides my own because it gives me a sense of what other people are thinking too.

6. Check your Blog and read comments posted by your Peers. Do you find their comments helpful?

No one has commented by blog yet.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

VIdeo Blog Review Week 6

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.

In "Glass and Ceramics" I learned the science on how to create glass art pieces. I never realized glass blowing was exactly that, blowing into a pipe with glass on the end, and it inflates the glass. I also learned that the qualitt of raw materialsused and the temperature used is what differentiates the different types of ceramics. I found it interesting that they are using ceramics in the medical field for things like hip prosthetics. I find it amazing how ceramics are so much more stronger than steel.
In "Installation Art" I learned that an installationg is more than just a sculpture or a 3D piece. It can be many different things like a whole building or even music. Artists can manipulate our perceptions and even space. It is pretty amazing
In "Through the eyes of the sculpture" I learned about different types of stone and what a quarry is. It was interesting to see that there are jobs as scupltures out there, it's not like they just create sculptures for themselves that maybe put in an art museum. Its an actual job. They can be hired for restorations, they can build things like actual buidlings, bridges, fountains etc. It was interesting to see that he made impressions to be able to create a statue with deal

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?

These videos relate to the readings from the text by showing examples and visuals of how installments, glass, ceramics and other crafts are created. These 3 things in these videos are used in everyday life for craftsman and for them. These videos were very informative to me and went more into depth than the text did i thought.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?

These films gave me a more knowledgeable understanding of artists who create sculptures, installments and crafts. The videos let me visually see what I read and also by showing me how things are made and different things that artist can do with each topic.The videos were a better understanding than the text by far.