Thursday, September 29, 2011

Albright Knox Visit

Today i made a trip to the Albright Knox for this art project. I never have been there before and my original plan was just to do the assignment quick and get out, but i actually spent a lot more time there because i found it to be really awesome. It was really awesome to see real masterpieces in person than a textbook for once, i cant even remember the last time i went to an art museum until today. The pictures i will be discussing are listed below.

A) Which artworks made an impression on me?
The first artwork that made an impression on me was Endless Victory (2005) by John F. Simon Jr. This had an impression on me because it was electronic and was non-stop moving at all times. To me it seemed like a city because the little rectangles were moving at all times and reminded me of the city. This was a good impression for me.

The second artwork that made an impression on me was The Anguish of Departure (1913-14) by Giorgio de Chirico. This artwork had an impression on me because it reminded of a house in the middle east and the house was meant to produce oil for the middle eastern countries. I had my eye on this one for quite sometimes trying to figure out what it meant to me and this is what it meant to me.

The Final artwork that made an impression on me was Diving Tower (1994) by Thomas Demand. This had an impression on me because it honestly looked like the diving boards were jumping out at me and the detail in it is incredible. It really got me to think if i could create something like that.

B) What artworks do i feel i had a connection with?

The first piece of art that i felt i had a connection with was Nomad (1963) by James Rosenquist. I felt a connection with the piece because i always like oil paintings, they tend to stand out to me more. This one seemed so abstract and intriguing and with all the tools on the ground in front of the artwork, i somewhat felt like that i was the one that may have created this.

Another piece of work that i felt that i had a connection with was 100 cans (1962) by Any Warhol. This piece is very well know throughout the world. I felt my connection with this was the fact that i love campbell soup and to see 100 cans of them it made hungry and wanted to go make some.

The final piece of work that i felt i had a connection with was Lancaster (1921) by Charles Demuth.  My first thoughts on this were that my hometown is Lancaster, Ny and with the art being called Lancaster made me like it immediately. Another connection i had with this piece was that it reminded me of a prison with high security and my major is criminal justice major and prisons are intriguing to me because thats what i thought this art was.

C) Which artworks would you like to know more about?

The first artwork that i would like to know more about was Ten Formal Fingers (1961) by Jim Dine.  I would like to know more about this one because when i was looking at this, i was first wondering where is the hand to this and why aren't the fingers split into groups of 5 because there are 2 hands on a person. I also wanted to know why they were girls fingers because of the nail polish.

The second artwork that i wanted to know more about was Magnum Opus II (1991) by Laurie Simmons. This one had me confused because i was wondering why legs were coming out of all the objects. All the legs were in different poses and made me wonder what this all meant together. I really wanted to know why the one pair of legs was hanging up in the air on a globe.

The final artwork that i wanted to know more about was Senor With Guitar (1914) by (sorry picture was blurry i could not make out name). I first was wondering why this person was by himself with his guitar with no one around him. He seemed to be lonely playing his music by himself. I was actually wondering what song he was playing. Finally i really wanted to know why there was no color to this artwork.

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