Thursday, September 8, 2011

Second Blog on movies

1) There were key concepts found in each of these videos i have watched. A main key concept that i noticed was that aesthetics was the main topic of both videos. I learned that aesthetics was a philosophical study of art and beauty. Another key thing that i had learned was from the CARTA video and i learned how your brain and neurological system has an effect on how you interpret certain things, for example works of art and visual arts.

2) From this video i felt that Aristotle theory on aesthetics was the most important. Aristotle was Plato's' apprentice and he was a Greek philosopher from the  before Christ era. Aristotle's' most important contribution to the aesthetic theory was that he composed "The Poetics". It was very simple and very influential to everyone. He also analyzed tragedy rather than beauty. Specific rules from tragedy that he created were the unity of action, which was tragedy should represent a single action with no sub plot. The second one was unity of time, which the time frame of the plot did not exceed 24 hours. The final one was unity of place, which the action of the play took place in the same location.

3) I actually enjoyed listening to Changeux and Ramachandran watching/listening to their points on the scientific view of aesthetics. Changeux was telling us that as we evolved our art did nd with aesthetic efficiancy it effects our emotions. Ramachandran was telling us from a scientific view point that our brain brings us our aesthetic viewpoints, that is what i got from his part. From Ramachandran the most interesting thing that i learned was how our minds get the "jolt" sensation when we figure out those mind puzzles. For example Ramachandran used the dolmation test and i took me and i paused the video to try and find the object and after about 15 seconds i got the "jolt" of excitment that i figured out that there was something hiding in the puzzle. The most interesting thing i learned from Changeaux's part of the lecutre was how he showed that through evolution our minds became more creative and our art styles have evolved as we evolved. I deffinatley enjoyed Ramachandran lecture more because he was more enthusiastic, funny, and kept my mind going the whole time with his examples that he shared with us.

4) The videos and our readings relate to eachother by the fact that they both were discussing art. The lectures on aesthetics were a great contribution to increase my learning of the topic and art.

5) My opinion the films were that the first one was talking too much about history and was boring me at points were i wanted to turn it off. The second video was a lot better, but Ramachandran's half was the most interesting contributuion to both the videos i watched. Learning the definition of the term aesthetics and Ramachandran deffinatly added 10x more depth for me to understand aesthetics.

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