Thursday, September 29, 2011

Albright Knox Visit

Today i made a trip to the Albright Knox for this art project. I never have been there before and my original plan was just to do the assignment quick and get out, but i actually spent a lot more time there because i found it to be really awesome. It was really awesome to see real masterpieces in person than a textbook for once, i cant even remember the last time i went to an art museum until today. The pictures i will be discussing are listed below.

A) Which artworks made an impression on me?
The first artwork that made an impression on me was Endless Victory (2005) by John F. Simon Jr. This had an impression on me because it was electronic and was non-stop moving at all times. To me it seemed like a city because the little rectangles were moving at all times and reminded me of the city. This was a good impression for me.

The second artwork that made an impression on me was The Anguish of Departure (1913-14) by Giorgio de Chirico. This artwork had an impression on me because it reminded of a house in the middle east and the house was meant to produce oil for the middle eastern countries. I had my eye on this one for quite sometimes trying to figure out what it meant to me and this is what it meant to me.

The Final artwork that made an impression on me was Diving Tower (1994) by Thomas Demand. This had an impression on me because it honestly looked like the diving boards were jumping out at me and the detail in it is incredible. It really got me to think if i could create something like that.

B) What artworks do i feel i had a connection with?

The first piece of art that i felt i had a connection with was Nomad (1963) by James Rosenquist. I felt a connection with the piece because i always like oil paintings, they tend to stand out to me more. This one seemed so abstract and intriguing and with all the tools on the ground in front of the artwork, i somewhat felt like that i was the one that may have created this.

Another piece of work that i felt that i had a connection with was 100 cans (1962) by Any Warhol. This piece is very well know throughout the world. I felt my connection with this was the fact that i love campbell soup and to see 100 cans of them it made hungry and wanted to go make some.

The final piece of work that i felt i had a connection with was Lancaster (1921) by Charles Demuth.  My first thoughts on this were that my hometown is Lancaster, Ny and with the art being called Lancaster made me like it immediately. Another connection i had with this piece was that it reminded me of a prison with high security and my major is criminal justice major and prisons are intriguing to me because thats what i thought this art was.

C) Which artworks would you like to know more about?

The first artwork that i would like to know more about was Ten Formal Fingers (1961) by Jim Dine.  I would like to know more about this one because when i was looking at this, i was first wondering where is the hand to this and why aren't the fingers split into groups of 5 because there are 2 hands on a person. I also wanted to know why they were girls fingers because of the nail polish.

The second artwork that i wanted to know more about was Magnum Opus II (1991) by Laurie Simmons. This one had me confused because i was wondering why legs were coming out of all the objects. All the legs were in different poses and made me wonder what this all meant together. I really wanted to know why the one pair of legs was hanging up in the air on a globe.

The final artwork that i wanted to know more about was Senor With Guitar (1914) by (sorry picture was blurry i could not make out name). I first was wondering why this person was by himself with his guitar with no one around him. He seemed to be lonely playing his music by himself. I was actually wondering what song he was playing. Finally i really wanted to know why there was no color to this artwork.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Logo Design

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.
My first thoughts about creating this logo was to create something that i like and would be eye appealing to the public.

2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation?
When i was first brainstorming this project. I was thinking about what do i like to for fun. My favorite thing to do is snowboard and i go Kissing Bridge hence the "KB" part of my logo and i wanted to see how i could do for creating a logo that i would find enjoyable. It was interesting to see how my sketches progressed and new ideas started to form as i kept redrawing the picture over and over through every sketch. My first sketch looks nothing like my first one at all, but i am extremely satisfied with my final logo i might even send it in because it gives the winter theme, both ski and snowboard on the logo and the snow guns on the side to signify the snowfall.

3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?
The most important discovery that i have made when creating this logo were the new spontaneous ideas that were coming to me as i was doing all f my sketches.

4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
The most important thing I learned from watching the video "graphic:What's in a Logo?" is the process for a company takes to create a logo. There is a long process that takes place with all the brainstorming and the creation of the logo and all the sketches. The final result sums up the business and is appealing to others.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

1) When creating the color wheel i found it a lot more easier because it was so basic and so easy to do by just mixing colors and making a color wheel. Making the value scale was annoying to me because i was feared that i was not shading hard enough.

2) I enjoyed with the paint because paint is so much fun and neat to work with. When i was done with the wheel i painted a stupid picture afterward.

3) The most important discovery i made about the color wheel was by mixing the the colors together, it was awesome how it made a brand new color. The most interesting thing i found with the value scale was when i was done i could actually see the value dropping from dark to light.

4) I found that the videos helped in the understanding of the project and gave me some groundwork on what to do. It is cool to see the transitions of the value and how the mixing of 2 colors can make a new one. The most important thing i learned on the videos was how you can mix certain colors to make certain new colors it was real interesting.

Friday, September 16, 2011

First project blog on slideshow

4. Create a Blog Posting for the reflection journal on the creative and technical processes you followed. Be sure to embed your slideshow into your Blog posting.

This project was actually kind of difficult at first i thought. I over thought the entire project and was lost for a little bit and when i finally realized what i needed to do it became so much clear. I took pictures that i thought fit into these elements and principle and by using the creativity of my camera skills i thought it turned out awesome. I first wrote down what objects would fit into these categories then i took the pictures of them. Overall this project was not too hard in the end and i actually found it fun and enjoyable. Also i understand the art elements and principles a lot more now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Third Blog post on color and emotion

1)  There have been studies that have demonstrated that color affects a wide range of psychological and physiological responses. Blue surroundings will significantly lower a person's blood pressure, pulse and respiration. The color red is believed to increase your appetite appetite. The color "passive pink" has a calming effect which can calm you when your tensed up.

2) The theoretical aspect of color that intrigues me the most is that the color red is believed to increase appetite which means i can eat more food theoretically. After finding that theory i now understand why the steakhouse i work as has 2 of the 3 rooms red and the outside of the building is red. I had always heard that color may affect emotions and physiological responses but I never knew specifics about each color. After learning about this color, i now think of restaurants and their use of color schemes when i go there.

3) In the color video, at one point Junaw was back in London and she was trying to recreate a painting that she had seen in Venice; she had used a lot of dark reds and oranges for the building on the left with the man outside of it on the boat. I felt like the left side of the painting was violent and evil. I felt worried for the man on the boat in the painting.

4) In the feelings video, I had liked  Goya's paintings. The paintings from when he was in his mid 40s and later were extremely dark and devil like. it was a little scary to look at, the people in the paintings looked dead or something. There was no light so it seemed like there was no way out. These paintings seemed to be very violent. I could see and almost feel the badness inside of these paintings.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Second Blog on movies

1) There were key concepts found in each of these videos i have watched. A main key concept that i noticed was that aesthetics was the main topic of both videos. I learned that aesthetics was a philosophical study of art and beauty. Another key thing that i had learned was from the CARTA video and i learned how your brain and neurological system has an effect on how you interpret certain things, for example works of art and visual arts.

2) From this video i felt that Aristotle theory on aesthetics was the most important. Aristotle was Plato's' apprentice and he was a Greek philosopher from the  before Christ era. Aristotle's' most important contribution to the aesthetic theory was that he composed "The Poetics". It was very simple and very influential to everyone. He also analyzed tragedy rather than beauty. Specific rules from tragedy that he created were the unity of action, which was tragedy should represent a single action with no sub plot. The second one was unity of time, which the time frame of the plot did not exceed 24 hours. The final one was unity of place, which the action of the play took place in the same location.

3) I actually enjoyed listening to Changeux and Ramachandran watching/listening to their points on the scientific view of aesthetics. Changeux was telling us that as we evolved our art did nd with aesthetic efficiancy it effects our emotions. Ramachandran was telling us from a scientific view point that our brain brings us our aesthetic viewpoints, that is what i got from his part. From Ramachandran the most interesting thing that i learned was how our minds get the "jolt" sensation when we figure out those mind puzzles. For example Ramachandran used the dolmation test and i took me and i paused the video to try and find the object and after about 15 seconds i got the "jolt" of excitment that i figured out that there was something hiding in the puzzle. The most interesting thing i learned from Changeaux's part of the lecutre was how he showed that through evolution our minds became more creative and our art styles have evolved as we evolved. I deffinatley enjoyed Ramachandran lecture more because he was more enthusiastic, funny, and kept my mind going the whole time with his examples that he shared with us.

4) The videos and our readings relate to eachother by the fact that they both were discussing art. The lectures on aesthetics were a great contribution to increase my learning of the topic and art.

5) My opinion the films were that the first one was talking too much about history and was boring me at points were i wanted to turn it off. The second video was a lot better, but Ramachandran's half was the most interesting contributuion to both the videos i watched. Learning the definition of the term aesthetics and Ramachandran deffinatly added 10x more depth for me to understand aesthetics.

Friday, September 2, 2011

First blog posting

1) The process to create a g-mail account is just as simple as it always was. I have had my g-mail account for a couple years now and it just keeps getting more advanced. Setting up the blogger was really simple i had thought.

2) In this course i expect to have a better understanding and appreciation of art in our society and how it has influenced people. Without art people would never be able to be express themselves.

3) I have taken about 4 online courses so far at Buffstate and this is my 5th. The courses are not too bad, but the work in extensive and it takes time to complete. You CANNOT half fast online courses.